I am not that fabulous at updating this blog that often. I try to remember the funny things said and done in this house, and most days I do well just to remember take my glasses off before I fall asleep.
And let me tell you, it's your loss. These kids pull stunts and one-liners that are truly marketable. I just can't remember them when I try to.
Trying to remember why I started this post.....
Maybe I'll just share an embarrassing moment of my own. Don't deny that sometimes you like to laugh at somebody else's expense. Like that time Julie told the homeless clients on the way in to work one day "It's a great day to be outside!"
Sorry Julie, but that will never cease to make me chortle.
Anyway, onto my own embarrassment. So, about a year or so ago, while at the dentist, I was under the influence of "dentist office happy gas". They have to give it to me because it takes dangerous quantities of lidocaine to numb me. Plus I'm a wuss.
Moving on. I'm laying there, telling the dentist and assistant how nice they are (yes, we all wish I could have happy gas all the time) and this thought pops into my head. "Did I just pass gas?"
Only I don't know if I said it out loud. And that's not exactly something you can casually ask your dentist if you said. And it's not really a question you want the answer to, mkay?
So now I'm paranoid when I have to go to the dentist. I just KNOW after I leave the room they are like "there's the freak that asked" ....well...you get the point.
Why do I admit these things?