Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Goooood Mooooorrrrrning Blog Spot! Or insert other annoying title that is equally unfunny and desperate for viewing.

So...I'm new to the blogging world. My narcissism is literally doing backflips.

There a hundred things that run through my head during the day that no two year old could appreciate, so I will send them out to cyber-space. I am fully aware that I may be the only one to read this, and that's alright. I had one whole follower on Twitter, I embrace the loneliness. :-)

I'm going to try this blogging thing to keep friends and family updated on our goings on.

Maybe I'll even figure out how to add pictures of my sweet monsters!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! i am happy you've got a blog and i WILL read it! always have thought you were an exceptional writer and too hilarious to keep to yourself :)