Monday, October 25, 2010

Did you know?

Did you know....

that the car line at school makes me want to pull my hair out. One strand at a time. People. It doesn't take 5 1/2 minutes to tell your kids to have a good day. Open the door and toss em out. Works for mine. :)

that cereal tastes best at night. Fact.

that Crayola cannot throw any product at me that I cannot get out of the fabric on my couches. Or the beds. Seriously, if it can be drawn on in this house, it has been. 452,000 times.

that I HATE to shop, unless it's Hobby Lobby....I could spend all day there. Not sure why. I'm not even crafty. I can knit though. Scarves. Plain ones.

that I want to go to NYC so bad I can't see straight. Except that I'm kind of (a lot) claustrophobic, which might not be conducive with the 8 million people that walk on the sidewalk all at the same time. Touching. Shudder.

that college football makes me happier than food. and I think we all know how happy food makes me.

And that, people, is some Monday random for you.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

Reba said...

I have missed your blog posts. I can't help much with car line. Glad to know it wasn't your child's teacher driving you nuts. :) I want to go to NYC VERY BADLY. Really thought we would go for our anniversary but it was a bit...expensive. Going hiking instead. And I totally agree. Cereal tastes MUCH better at night.