Monday, January 31, 2011

Super Blogger

So...I had such great intentions for keeping up with a blog.

You think I could hire a "ghost blogger"? For real. I will hire you.

We are supposed to get maybe a foot of snow tomorrow. I remember when I used to like snow. Now, I'm old and cranky and wouldn't care if it never snowed again. I'm pretty prepared as far as food is concerned. Priorities, people. I'm never prepared for possibly spending a few days w/o power, with 3 kids, and no way out. I love my children.

And because I was raised right, I made sure they are all wearing clean underwear. You case we all freeze to death, we at least have clean underwear on. Again, priorities.

On a serious note, please remember the folks that don't have a warm place to sleep tonight. There are more people in NWA than you'd think that will struggle to find shelter in this storm. Thank God for your warm bed and roof over your head.

That's an order.
