Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why not come out swinging?

Alright, I'll go ahead and do justice to the title of this blog and  tell you that my kids have a pet name for children's Benadryl. They call it their sleepy-vitamin. Mother of the Year, no? What can I say? They work. Really well. I was reading the back of the box the other day to see if I could give them anymore than I had already, and it stated in small print "Do not use to make a child sleepy" Hmm. Clearly written by someone who had never enjoyed the bliss of children in a Benadryl-induced coma.

Don't get me wrong, they don't get it very often. I don't want them building up too much of a resistance, lol.
My sanity is very closely tied to the amount of sleep I get, so no judging, ok?


*disclaimer* my children do not get benadryl very often at all, so hold your calls to CPS. this blog is solely for my own amusement and no children were harmed in the writing of it.


Unknown said...


Reba said...

Love it (and your blog). I really like blogging...figure it is the closest thing to a baby book/scrapbook my kids will ever get. :) I used to give Benadryl to Joshua nightly because the doctor suggested it for allergies. Then when I mentioned it to another doctor, he looked concerned and said, "Do you give it for sleeping?" The thought never occurred to me...